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How and why?

TEDxKlaipeda organising group invited us to contribute the organisation of the event and take care of the entire visual concept: WEB, print, motion and other solutions according to our expertise. This is how we became part of this global event.


An event to inspire people

The first “TEDxKlaipeda” conferences theme – “Beyond the Limits” – will promise you more than fun moments. Biggest achievements in life are made when people cross the invisible line. A line – that symbolises our inner prejudices, social norms or accepted rules.

When you cross this line – all limits disappear and unlimited possibilitiesopen: in sports – world records are achieved, science – a break happens that changes everything known, society – everything that was a taboo before becomes normal. So the organizing team and the speakers invite you all to cross this line.



We wanted to capture the culture and spirit of the port city while keeping the colours and style of TEDx branding. Our aim was to discover abstract shapes and lines, but at the same time create a character that would accompany the visual communication. We had to produce not only an image for the event, but also visual communication for the new association that was being formed to organize the TEDx event.



We wanted to add more uniqueness to the visual communication. Sharp corners, clear structure, attention to details and time spent on wireframes pay off.

New born

The website has been the main communication tool that has achieved its full potential. The required number of tickets were sold and the objectives were achieved.

Our Goal

Is to spread the experiences and stories to the world from Klaipeda’s and West Lithuania’s specialists, emigrants and residents.

A Window to the Past

Linas Kutavicius focused on developing his project “Amber Beamer” which exposes the inner structure of amber. Regarded as a national symbol of Lithuania and usually used in applied arts, in this project amber becomes a conceptually intimate object magnified by light. The shifting colour palette, the captured fossils meditatively captivate the viewers and through a time loop transport them to a primeval existence of a mineral.